Wuhan Yangtze International School
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Buffalo Weekly

November 29, 2023

HS Drama Show 高中话剧表演

Our high school drama students are proud to present an adaptation of Mozart’s The Magic Flute in the form of a one-act play on Friday, December 8. The show is from 18:00-19:30 in the PAB Auditorium. The show will also feature musical performances by Wuhan Yangtze faculty and students. Come and enjoy this playful, magical performance!

12 月 8 日(星期五),学校高中话剧班的学生将在表演中心礼堂以独幕剧的形式表演改编版的 莫扎特《魔笛》,演出时间是晚上18:00-19:30。 在中场休息期间,学校师生还将进行音乐表演。 请您千万不要错过这场有趣又神奇的演出!

Telethon charity event 慈善活动

École française internationale de Wuhan (EFIW) will be hosting a fundraiser on campus on Saturday, December 9. This is a charitable event in support of the French Muscular Dystrophy Association which aims at curing neuromuscular diseases.

From 16:00-18:00, various fun activities will be available for children. Parents can purchase a game card onsite for their child (75rmb) to participate in the games. From 18:00-21:00, there will be a concert and additional family-friendly games in the cafeteria.

We hope you can join us supporting this charity together!

武汉法国外籍人员子女学校 (EFIW) 将于 12 月 9 日(星期六)在我们校园内举办一场筹款活动,为支持法国肌肉萎缩症协会致力于对患有神经肌肉疾病患者的治疗和研究。

从下午4点到晚上6点,EFIW会为孩子们提供各种有趣的活动。 家长可以现场为孩子购买游戏卡(75元)参与游戏。 从晚上6点到9点,在学校餐厅也将举办音乐会和其他适合家庭一起玩的游戏。


Quarter 3 After-School Activities 第三季度课后活动

Great news! Registration for quarter 3 After-School Activities is now open. Simply click here to view the list of activities and instructions for signing up. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your child's learning experience beyond the classroom!

好消息! 第三季度课后活动报名现已开放。 只需点击此处即可查看活动列表和报名说明。 请您不要错过这个丰富孩子课堂以外学习体验的机会!

Grade 11 parent meeting 11年级家长研讨会

We're excited to invite all Grade 11 parents to our upcoming Grade 11 Parent Workshop on Thursday, December 14 at 14:00 in the first floor conference room. This informative session will provide valuable insights into the academic opportunities available to Grade 11 students. Topics will include college readiness, PSAT/SAT testing, and AP courses. The workshop is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow parents, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions.

We will also be offering separate parent workshops for Grade 9, 10 and 12 in the upcoming months.

12 月 14 日(星期四)下午14:00 在学校一楼会议室将举行 11 年级家长研讨会,我们很高兴邀请所有 11 年级家长参加。 这次会议将主要为 11 年级学生的家长提供有关学术和大学升学方面的信息,包括大学准备、PSAT/SAT 测试和 AP 课程等。 该研讨会是您与其他家长建立联系、提出问题和进行有意义的讨论的绝佳机会,请11年级家长务必参加!

在接下来的几个月中,学校也将会分别为 9、10 和 12 年级的家长们举办单独的家长研讨会。

Spirit Day: Christmas Spirit 主题服装日:圣诞装扮

WYIS Student Council is hosting a Spirit Day each month as an opportunity for Wuhan Yangtze students and staff to show school spirit by coming to school dressed according to a specific theme. This month’s Spirit Day is on Friday, December 22. The theme is Christmas Spirit. Students and staff are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite Christmas attire such as holiday sweaters, elf costumes, Santa hats, Rudolph ears, etc.


  • Costumes must be school-appropriate.
  • Students can choose not to dress in a theme for this day, but they must still wear their school or PE uniforms.



  • 服装必须适合学校。
  • 如果学生选择当天不穿特定主题的服装装扮自己,则必须穿校服或体育服到校。

Website quick links 网站快速链接

Our school's website has been recently updated to enhance your browsing experience. To assist you in finding specific information, here are the new locations of commonly requested pages:


登录PowerSchoolLearning page
校历和活动日期Latest page
家长文件Admissions page

Admissions notice 招生通知

If you know of anyone who might benefit from being in our fantastic Wuhan Yangtze International School, please spread the word! After all, we are the oldest foreign expatriate school in Wuhan with the largest number of expatriate children.

Applications for quarter 3 are still open. To get started, take the easy step of filling out an online application. Or if you would like to know more about the school, please call our Admissions Office at 8423-8713 ext 604 or email admissions@wyischina.com.

Additionally, if your family will not be attending Wuhan Yangtze in quarter 3, please inform us through email to admissions@wyischina.com or call us by December 8, 2023.

如果您知道有学生家庭适合我们武汉长江外籍人员子女学校,您可以将我校的招生信息转发给他们。 毕竟我们是武汉历史最悠久、外籍人员子女最多的外籍学校。

目前,学校第三季度的报名窗口还在开放中。报名第一步,家长只需填写在线申请表即可。 或者如果您想了解更多关于学校的信息,请致电我们招生办公室,电话是(027)84238713 转604,或发送电子邮件至admissions@wyischina.com。


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Wuhan Yangtze International School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.